Friday, February 2, 2007

Bird Flu is the New Terrorism

It's sort of like saying pink is the new red. Now that our dear precious Government who would NEVER do anything just to cause general fear and panic to the general public, has figured out they can no longer work us up on the danger of terror on Main Street, USA, so they have found a new (well, old, but they are just now starting full blast) way to get us worked up and terrified: The Avian (Bird) Flu. The Center for Disease Control issued guidelines today in case of the "Great Flu" outbreak of 2007. Here are a few of the guidelines issued by the CDC (WHO in the hell hires people to come up with these points, I could have done this list):

  • Cities and towns could close schools for up to three months. “No one’s arguing that by closing all the schools, you’re going to prevent the spread,” says Dr. Merkel, "but if you can cut cases by 10 or 20 or 30 percent and it’s your family that’s spared, that’s a big deal.” (before you kids go getting all giddy, other experts think differently, such as Dr. Irwin Redlener, director of the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health: “We’ll be facing the same problem, but without the teaching,” referring to the kids (as well as adults) who often behave in ways that are nearly as contagious as being in school, such as being sent to a day care center and gathering at the mall. Dr. Redlener added expertly (to the groans of children around the world): "They might as well be in class."
  • All ball games and movies are urged to cancel until the "wave" (a normal flu "wave" lasts about two weeks, experts tell me) is over.
  • Stagger the working hours of the general public so that the subways and buses aren't as congested.
  • All families, sick and well, are urged to stay home for 7 to 10 days (this one really irks me, if a family member of mine gets the flu, I want to help them out and make them feel better, but to be "quarantined" with them and those germs for 7 to 10 days....sounds like population control to me).
  • It is urged, in case of a pandemic, to NOT close state borders or airports, otherwise you would cut off delivery of critical supplies (medicine, food, etc.).
  • This year's guideline's put forth by the CDC did not suggest using the United States Military for enforcing the quarantines (it seems even the CDC is trying to "check and balance" Bush's power, it was Bush who suggested back in 2005 that he would consider using the military to enforce quarantines when he first mentioned the avian (bird) flu.)
  • Dr Levi stated that it may not be a bad idea to have the National Guard help set up temporary medical clinics and/or moving pharmaceutical supplies to the needed location, as many of them are well trained at doing. Unfortunately, however, Dr. Levi pointed out “But they’re not there, the people who know how to run field hospitals are in Iraq.”

Now, at first glance, these guidelines may seem helpful and innocent, however it would not be hard (AT ALL these days) to see some (not to mention any names/agencies like the United States Government...oops!) one/agency taking advantage of the situation if it got this bad. Anyway, more to come your way today, and to let everyone know, I'm working on a vblog (video blog), to be posted on YouTube, about who exactly Sibel Edmonds is, whats so facinating about her, and why she is the definition of a patriot if there ever was a living example.

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