Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Racism and the Black Caucus

Freshman United States Representative Steven Cohen (D-TN) has been denied entry into the Congressional Black Caucus, because he is white. It does not seem to matter to Caucus members that an overwhelming majority of his constituency is black, and this was not a political move by Cohen, it was a move he thought would, if successful, help his constituents. It is a sad state of affairs when, in the year 2007, a group, especially within the United States House of Representatives, denies a person entry because of skin color alone. Can you imagine the outrage if there was a Congressional White Caucus created, I can see the media orgasm already: Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Co. would race to the nearest television camera, condemn the creators of the group, and demand their resignation, now, I ask, if they are really for racial equality, why not do the same thing in this instance? It's the perfect definition of hypocrisy.

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